The Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Ontario

Judge's critique for the breed show held Saturday August 6th 2005.

I thank the Club for the invitation to judge at your show.  It was my first trip to Canada but I hope it will not be my last!  My chauffeur for the stay was Jim Rose who did the job admirably.  Thanks to his lovely wife Shelly for the loan of Jim!  I never stopped laughing from him picking me up at the airport to my departure: that set the tone for my trip!  Thanks to Denise Birse and her team of helpers for all your hard work in pulling off a splendid lend show, your hospitality and friendship I shall always remember. 

I found a lot of quality in your dogs.  On the whole, presentation and handling is excellent and your attitude to showing is more akin to a sport than in the UK.  Many exhibitors in the UK treat a dog show as a day out and showing dogs as a hobby and whilst there is nothing wrong with this approach, I felt there was a degree more professionalism in Canada than in my homeland.  Whilst it was not a large entry, I was very happy with my winners and placings.  In general I did not find any overweight fat dogs, I found one or two incorrect mouths with misplaced incisors but I think we have more things to address in the breed at present than mouths.  You have a lot of gay tails and short steep croups.  We have the same problem in the UK.  I believe that by selecting for more hind angulation this would be improved and if that were the case the tail carriage would also be improved.  A wider first and second thigh is desirable and a natural progression should be a better length and lay of croup, which should then lay the foundation for better tail carriage.  I found the temperament of your dogs to be excellent and never heard a grumble all day.  As requested, I have written critiques, on the first four places in those classes I was asked to do so.  I know that this policy is unusual in Canada but in the UK, unless a judge can justify their placings with a critique (or written report) then they do not get asked to judge again.  It is contract which we enter into when we accept the appointments for our championship shows and is an accepted practice in the UK and in Europe.  I did not take copious notes but hope that you find my report of value.  It is meant as constructive criticism and certainly not as an attempt to undermine your dogs!  A critique should mention the virtues and the failings of each exhibit, with more emphasis on the major virtues, rather than the minor ones. Finally my grateful thanks to the sporting owners/exhibitors for their acceptance of my placings, your good humour and comradeship did not go unnoticed. I really did have a lovely day with you all, I shall treasure my memories. Good Luck with your dogs for the future.

Junior Puppy dog class (6-9 months)

1. (175) Coral VanBuren’s, PARADISE LOOKING SPELLBOUND, 7mths, well grown baby of excellent type and shape, developing along the right lines. Attractive head, dark well shaped eye, good pigmentation coat and color. Very good angles fore and aft, moved well kept his shape on the move. Sound with a lovely temperament.

2. Omitted by owner.

3. (37) Candace Tokiwa’s, LEDGEWOODS NIKLAUS, 6 mths, short coupled young man, well grown and developing along the right lines, dark facial markings, excellent movement, plenty of time on his side. Happy disposition, he was giving a lot away in development.

Junior puppy class (6-9 mths females)  & Best Puppy in Show

1. (60) Jim & Jackie Wright’s, SWISSVIEW'S PHOENIZ RISING, 6 mths, very pretty, raw baby of excellent type, dark eye, a little round but well placed. Bone could be a little better. Lovely pigment and color. Excellent angles fore and aft, lovely topline, moved soundly and held her tail correctly. Very promising young lady who showed off her lovely make and shape to advantage to win Best Puppy in Show. I hope she has an excellent future.

2. (220) Anne Willis’s, ANDERLEA’S OLIVIA V GELBACHLER, 7 mths, very shapely youngster well proportioned, head developing along the right lines, eyes a little round, could use shorter rear pasterns. Well handled. Lovely outgoing temperament.

Senior Puppy Females class (no entries)

Senior Puppy Dog class (9 – 12 mths)

1. (147) Janice & Michael Bann’s, BANHOF'S RIDIN THE STORM OUT , 11 mths, well grown dog of excellent type and bone. Very strong head, dark eyes a touch lippy in the flews. Presented in lovely bloom, very good angles, level topline, good movement. Promsing youngster who should have a bright future. Close decision between him and the winner of the first class for Best Puppy Dog who was perhaps “more ready” on the day. Still this boy was very promising and a lovely prospect.

12 – 15th months - males

1. (217) Brenda Berkin & Michael Kelsey’s, ANDERLEA’S NORTHERN ADVENTURER, Stood alone in this class. 13 months, built on slight long lines, a strong headed male of excellent type with very good pigmentation coat and color, very good bone for size. Standing he is balanced but on the move he is very proud of his tail which he carries very high, and this spoils the picture somewhat. Excellent temperament.

12 – 15th months – females

1. (615) Chris McLean’s, SKYLYN’S JUST GOTTA BOUNCE, 13 months, slight stretched proportions, ex coat condition but not a lot of it today. Feminine head and expression, strong flat skull with good development, eyes of excellent color but round, level topline which she holds in stance and on the move. Sound movement, very good temperament.

2. (694) Sherry Rupke’s, DYNI VAN’T SAMAIKA NEST, (Comments are pending approval from owner)

15 – 18 mths males (no entries)

15 – 18 mths females

1. (201) Malissa & John Ruchak’s WINTERBELL V GERI 15 mths, correct type, lovely feminine head and expression, ex neck which she uses well, correct topline, could use more second thigh, excellent bone and substance, rich pigmentation, lovely coat and color. Excellent for type, moved soundly.

2. (480) Wendy Constantinou’s BENBERN'S PRINCESS ARORA RUMCAY, (Comments are pending approval from owner)

3. (207) Lynda Morgan’s BERNALEE’S CANAVOY CHARM, 18 mths, excellent type, lovely in stance, very shapely, well developed, bone could be a little stronger. Dark eye, flat skull, attractive type of bitch, but on the move she loses her shape somewhat which spoils the outline.

Canadian Bred Male

1. (210) Sue Wilkinson & Eve Menegoz’s, SENNENHOF JAKOBI 2 years, well grown male, very undermarked on the head, good bone and substance, ex bone and substance, ex pigmentation coat and color sound mover, strong rear pasterns, could do with a little more forereach to complete the picture. Ex temperament.

Canadian Bred Female

1. (136) Heidi Rohrbach’s BERNINA DAWNS MORNING WHISPER 2.5 years, well grown female, pleasing in stance and on the move, feminine head and expression, strong and attractive, lovely pigmentation ,moved well and soundly, very good coat and condition.

2. (208) Lesley & Leon Rouillier’s, ARC EN CIEL OF BERNVONRUST 22 Months, good size female, ex type and shape, appealing head, lovely pigmentation coat and color, moved well, although could be a few pounds lighter! Super temperament.

3. (658) Cathie Shipe & Denise Birse’s, ANDERLEA’S MILES TO WINGFIELD Excellent bitch of lovely type, attractive, strong head, dark eye, flat skull, ex pigmentation, bone could be stronger and could use more hind angles. Loses her shape on the move.

Bred By Male & Reserve Winners Dog

1. (652) Cathie Shipe’s, WINGFIELD’S MAKE MY DAY (Reserve Winners Dog) 2.5 years, well grown male of excellent type and shape, strong head, typical expression. Flat skull. Good bone and substance, lovely coat and condition. Movement good although not spectacular. Level topline both in stance and on the move, raises his tail slightly on the move, but overall a very nice dog, well handled with an excellent temperament.

Bred By Female (no entries)

Open Dog class & Winners Dog & Best of Winners

1. (290) Lynette Vann’s, FOURPAWS WRAPED UP IN A BOW, (Winners Dog, Best of Winners), Top size male, pleasing in outline, very well presented and conditioned. Strong masculine head, good length and use of neck, bone strong. Movement is sound both coming and going, his croup is of good length and well angled. Tail carriage is correct. Well handled to get the best out of him, coat and condition first class. Correct for temperament.

2. (536) Bob & Irene Hume’s, ALPENLEIBS BIG FIFTH. Good size, excellent type, good bone and substance, dark eye, flat skull, sound fluent mover but tail just breaks the picture on the move.

3. (651) Cathie Shipe & Dee Scull’s WINGFIELDS DON’T LOOK BACK, 19 mths, well presented youngster, attractive head and expression, gentle in temperament, sound mover, could use more hind angles to advantage..

Open Bitch Class & Winners Bitch & Best Opp Sex.

1. ( 223) Kim Groves & Carolyn Woods, AVATORS TRADING DESIRES (Winners Bitch & Best Opp Sex), 2 year old female of excellent make and shape and correct type. Beautiful outline which instantly draws you to her. Head is feminine and strong, bone is very good. Presented in super coat and condition. Long upper arm which could be better angled, excellent hind angles, very good croup and tail set. Excellent movement, powerful hind thrust and very good forward reach. Super bitch, should have a very promising future. In the challenge for BOB she was a little unsettled and so she had to pay the penalty, nevertheless she is a super specimen and should have an assured future.

2 .(617) Chris McLean & Rui Rosa’s, ROSA-N-SKYLYNS PANDORA, 2 years, a beautiful female who was my Reserve Winners bitch. Feminine head and lovely expression, strong bone and substance, holds her shape both standing and on the move, very good movement and tail carriage, short rear pasters. Top quality female who really impressed me and I was not disappointed in her.

3. (774) Chris McLean’s, SKYLYN’S HOPI, 4 years, presented in season, hence she was rooting her tail a little. Very correct type, pigment good, very nice shape, could use a little better 2nd thigh, correct temperament.

4. (653) Cathie Shipe’s, ANDERLEAS LORE WINGIELD, Almost 6 years, good size, well balanced of correct type, strong head, very good length of neck which she uses well, another who would benefit from having more hind angles, lovely temperament.

Veterans males (no entries)

Veterans females  & Best Veteran in Show

1. (219) Anne Willis's, Ch Belrinly’s Premier Bella CD 8.5 years, lovely type of female, presented in hard condition although lacking some coat. Very pleasing in outline and on the move, Lovely feminine head and expression, flat skull, correctly placed ears, very attentive to her handler. On the move she is fluent and powerful, keeping her topline and shape at all speeds. I understand this female had been operated on for bloat two weeks prior to the show, so congratulations to the team which nursed her back to health and thus enabled her to show her socks off to win Best Veteran in Show.

2. (488) Jennifer Tulloch’s, CH WAGENBLAST’S CESSI, 7.5 years, strong bitch of excellent type. Good bone and substance, happy temperament, strong yet feminine head, dark eye, lovely girl enjoying her day out.

3. (534) Bob & Irene Hume’s, CH LITTLEBEAR’S JULYS SWEET CEILIDH, 8 years, very nice shape, correct type, attractive pigmentation and colour, well handled to bring the best out of her.

4. (209) Sue Wilkinson & Cindy Robertson’s, CHASSERON'S FAYRE AERYN, 7 years, a real sweetie, moved well, with lovely pigmentation coat and very good feet. Happy disposition.

Best of Breed,

1. (222) Kim Groves, Ch Labernese Living Lavida Loca, above med size dog , well proportioned and harmonius. Head masculine but could use more fill out under the eye. Good angles to the forehand and the hindquarters, excellent topline which he holds on the move, very good length and lay of croup, correct tail carriage. Very pleasing in stance, excels on the move. Handling certainly did show him off to his best advantage. Super type of male who well deserved Best of Breed.

Brace Class & Award of Merit

1. Heidi Rohrbach’s CH BERNINA CRESTA STORM DANCER (Award of Merit) & CH BERNINA CRESTA DREAM CATCHER. Lovely matching pair, her very feminine, he very masculine, presented in super coat and condition, rich pigmentation and super bone and substance. Both champions, full of breed type and very shapely, moved in harmony. I would have loved to have taken them home. Well done to their breeder on such excellent specimens, they are a credit to you. I awarded the dog an Award of Merit and had I been able, I would have awarded the bitch an AOM too. I thought them very typey.

Helen Davenport Willis


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